ASCILITE Publications: Announcements 2023-06-08T12:28:37+10:00 Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">ASCILITE Publications (ISSN 2653-665X) provides a peer-reviewed fully open access publication platform for traditional and non-traditional publications in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Australasia and abroad. It aims to provide a scholarly distribution and publication pathway for these alternative forms of best practice and thought to traditional journal articles - increasing the reach and impact of TEL to international contributions and an audience beyond the academy. ASCILITE Publications encourages contributions and involvement from early-career academics (including RHD candidates), teaching practitioners and professional staff.</span></p> APUBS General Announcements: APUBS now registered ISSN and DOIs 2022-10-24T10:21:47+11:00 ASCILITE Publications <p>With the publication of our first full issue of APUBS (The 2019 ASCILITE Conference procedings) we now have been officially registered with an ISSN 2653-665X and can assign DOIs to articles published on APUBS!!!</p> 2022-10-24T10:21:47+11:00 APUBS General Announcements: Introducing APUBS 2022-09-07T15:40:06+10:00 ASCILITE Publications <h2 class="">Introducing APUBS</h2> <p><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">Hello ASCILITE Community</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">First, some exciting news - the ASCILITE Executive have established a publications team to setup ASCILITE Publications (APUBS) as our own platform for publishing ASCILITE Conference papers and a publication pathway for 'non-traditional’ articles from the ASCILITE community. This is a work in progress as we setup and configure a self-hosted version of the Open Journal System (OJS), with the ASCILITE 2022 Conference using APUBS as the submission, review, and publication platform for the first time.&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">As part of the setup process, we are also publishing our first APUBS Issue based upon the 2019 ASCILITE Conference proceedings. If you are an author of an ASCILITE 2019 paper you may receive automatic notification from the APUBS system when your paper is back-published into the 2019 Issue - don’t worry, this is not an ‘error’ and needs no action from you, it’s just because the paper has been resubmitted to a new system. This means your past ASCILITE Conference papers will be published in APUBS with a citable DOI, metrics, and a great looking format. Publishing the past 25+ years of ASCILITE Conference papers in APUBS will also create a consistent permanent archive that has many features - such as a central repository with search functionality, metrics, and associated DOIs, giving your ASCILITE Conference contributions wider impact.</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">Unfortunately, like any new system we are ironing out the bugs as we go, but those emails from APUBS should be good news going forward! Bear with us as we tweak the OJS system for APUBS and sort out the email bounces etc that you may have received through the system. If you are a submitter or reviewer for ASCILITE 2022 you should also be aware that emails will arrive from APUBS going forward and ensure these are allowed in your spam filter settings.</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">Nonetheless, if you have any concerns, please get in touch with us. We’re excited about the future of APUBS and tying in with the 2022 Conference theme as we Reconnect the ASCILITE community’s 25+ years of conference proceedings!</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">Thanks</span><br class=""><span class="">&nbsp;</span><br class=""><span class="">The APUBS editorial team.</span></p> 2022-09-07T15:40:06+10:00