Changing the face of learning @ UWS


  • Lynnae Rankine-Venaruzzo
  • Dennis Macnamara
  • Tim Griffin



blended learning, institutional transformation, curriculum change, pedagogy, learning design


This paper describes and analyses a whole of institutional transformation to blended learning at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) using the Moskal, Dziuban and Hartman (2013) model. An institution wide and a school (or faculty) lens has been applied to each of the components of the model. UWS previously operated as a largely on-campus institution with small pockets of innovation. While the transformation was a top down direction, it was based on analysis of students’ needs and desires and has been characterised by flexibility in its implementation. The change has also been supported through funding and recruitment of learning design expertise. While it is still too early to be definitive about learning and graduate outcomes, indicative data such as student satisfaction and unit results is trending positive. Moreover, the transformation has largely been well received by the faculty and university staff as a whole.



