Mixed media visualization effect on student perceptions and learning outcomes


  • James Birt




3D printing, virtual reality, mixed media learning, design science research


This paper presents a methodology and pilot study rationale to examine the effect of mixed media visualization on learning outcomes in three dimensional (3D) modeling. The context for this study is a university first year undergraduate interactive media and design course. Meta analytic studies in the use of visualizations show positive improvements in learning outcomes among low and high spatial learners. But often these studies are focused on single media and virtual representations. Many multimedia learning studies do not take into consideration important factors that could influence the appropriate selection of media. This exploratory study aims to address this through the evaluation of physical and virtual media using 3D printed, virtual reality and two dimensional (2D) projections. A design science research methodology is proposed outlining several core guidelines evaluating the technology media method through learner blogs. The aim is improved learner engagement and outcomes through more meaningful learning activities. 


