Improving learners’ self-efficacy in a learner-controlled online learning environment

A correlational study


  • Widchaporn Taipjutorus
  • Sally Hansen
  • Mark Brown



Learner control, online learning, self-efficacy, online learner


Online learning is gradually being adopted by higher institutes and becoming much more common in higher education worldwide, but some learners still find it challenging. Though they are familiar with computer and technology usage, they are still uncertain of their ability to perform well in online classes. A review of studies focused on how these learners gain more confidence and success shows a link between self-efficacy and learners’ outcomes. Efficacious learners tend to adapt and cope well when faced with obstacles. Moreover, learners who were given control over their learning environment performed better, were more satisfied, and had higher self- efficacy than control groups. It is theorised that embedding learner control into online learning programmes might help inefficacious learners gain more self-efficacy but few studies have investigated this relationship in the real online class setting. Therefore, this study in progress is an attempt to fill in this research gap.


