Finding a Voice

Learning pronunciation in a second language using a dedicated speech technology


  • Thomas Kerr



second language learning, speech technologies, Wimba Voice Board


This paper reports on a recent experiment that used Wimba Voice Board (WVB), an online asynchronous recording and playback utility, for teaching basic pronunciation rules to a group of novice learners of Spanish. The experimental design used a pre/post-test format with an intervention where participants in the experimental group were given access to a built-for-purpose Blackboard online unit and encouraged to engage with the learning materials in self-directed study (Victori and Lockhart, 1995; Lee, 1997). Participants were also able to voluntarily upload their own attempts at pronunciation to a WVB module accessed by all group members, listen to attempts uploaded by peers, and provide optional feedback. Control group members were taught the same content in a traditional teacher-led classroom setting. Two focus groups were conducted with members of the experimental group. Analysis of the collected data showed that WVB was able to produce results that were equivalent to those achieved by members of the control group.


