The challenge for static online resources

The future is dynamic


  • Lynn Berry



online resources, effectiveness, pedagogical usability, evaluation framework


More universities are providing online courses in response to demands for greater flexibility which consequently places pressure on learning support services, such as, academic skills centres, to follow suit. The increasing numbers of students are stretching the existing capacities of such centres to adequately address student learning needs in traditional ways, and therefore more flexible offerings through an e-learning environment are required. Nonetheless developing online resources and learning activities require significant development time, and it is not clear whether these resources are effective, since very little research examines what or how learning may be achieved. To explore this issue, this paper reviews the available literature on the topic with the aim of identifying ways to evaluate such resources, and considers the sustainability of pursuing static texts. The paper proposes combining knowledge of best practice with an evaluation research framework, and urges the design of more dynamic resources.


