The Power of Podcasts – sharing stories to transform teaching practices, learning experiences and academic cultures
Professional development, podcasting, storytelling, OERsAbstract
The presenters will tell the story of Open Classrooms, drawing on audio-visual resources to give the audience a multi-perspective understanding of the project and its impact. We will include a description of the practical approaches we have taken to recruiting interviewees, preparing them for the conversation, recording, publishing and marketing/advertising. Data from our on-going evaluation work will be used to tell our emergent impact story, including formal intended outcomes as well as some of the more surprising benefits to individuals and school cultures. Finally, we will reflect on the experience from our own perspective as academic developers with no previous experience of podcasting.
Copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Taylor, Lisa Curran

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.