Supporting student writing with an intelligent tutoring system for assignment checking
Data analytics, Assignment feedback, EvaluationAbstract
In this paper we present the results of a prototype system designed as a draft assignment checker that students can use prior to the submission of their assignments. The tool was designed to provide descriptive timely feedback to students on their digitally submitted text- based assignments. This process allows students to submit draft versions of their assignments, obtain feedback and improve them before they make a final submission for marking. Students are able to access the results and descriptive feedback generated for the assignments they have uploaded and the software allows customisation of the evaluation measures based on the type of assignment and expectations of the academic staff. Findings from a survey of student feedback on the system are presented. Overall students found the system useful, but the tool needed to be incorporated into the assignment preparation process more closely to be effective.
Copyright (c) 2019 Peter Vitartas, Sarah Midford, Anastasia Kanjere
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.