Preparing Students for Future Learning


  • Jasmine Cheng
  • Sally Payne
  • Jennifer Banks



technology enhanced, blended learning, engagement, innovation


UTS:Insearch is the premium pathway provider to the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). With education increasingly moving towards technology enhanced delivery, we identified the need to appraise our teaching approaches to better prepare students for future learning. This proposal represents the Blended Learning Framework adopted for the process of designing and implementing blended learning within the academic subjects. We initiated a suite of strategies with the intention to create classroom environment where learning occurs through seamless integration of technology enhanced strategies and face-to-face activities, characterised by the best features of interaction within a subject, that will promote academic enhancement and innovation in learning and teaching. The 'hands on' strategies allowed teaching staff to experience first-hand how students could be engaged with content through the meaningful use of technologies. This has led to 76% of our subjects either well progressed or fully compliant with a blended learning approach within a year.


