Designing for “Flexibility”

Exploring the Complexities of Dual-Mode Teaching


  • Karin Barac
  • Lynda Davies
  • Lenka Boorer



Online and Blended Learning, Academic staffing, Student Expectations


The demand to offer students more flexibility in their university study options has seen a growth in multiple course offerings in different modes of learning such as on-campus, online or a mix of both (blended). In line with this demand for flexibility there has been a need for universities to streamline practices to meet shrinking budgets. This environment has facilitated the growth of dual-mode teaching where faculties attempt to teach online and on-campus cohorts together with variable results. The curriculum, staffing and student expectation demands of these different modes of delivery are often at odds and it is becoming more difficult to meet these demands while maintaining a high quality teaching and learning environment. We would like to share experiences and discuss with like-minded colleagues how to approach this particular design challenge in the hopes of developing some guidelines and practical examples that can inform us all.


