Navigating the terrain of academic publishing in educational technology


  • Linda Corrin Deakin University
  • Feifei Han Australian Catholic University
  • Henk Huijser Queensland University of Technology



Educational technology, Academic publishing, Impact, Trends


The field of educational technology (EdTech) is characterised by innovation and emerging technologies which continually provide new opportunities to enhance learning environments. As the theme of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) 2024 conference suggests, the field explores emerging frontiers in learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies and findings from this exploration should be made accessible to the community. Academic publishing is a key channel through which outcomes are disseminated to researchers and practitioners. Therefore, it is important to understand the current state of the publishing terrain opportunities can be embraced while also addressing the challenges that threaten the integrity and sustainability of EdTech publishing into the future. In this position paper the current opportunities and challenges relating to EdTech publishing are explored with reference to open data from journal ranking organisations, journal websites, and related literature. The aim is to examine how these issues, including scale, cost, peer review, generative AI, and the integrity of the publishing processes influence the perceived impact of EdTech journals. This discussion informs the identification of key questions that stakeholders in the field need to address to ensure a sustainable and impactful future for EdTech publishing.






ASCILITE Conference - Concise Papers