Future-focused learning via online anchored discussion, connecting learners with digital artefacts, other learners, and teachers


  • Meg Colasante




artefact-centred learning, media annotation, online anchored discussion


This paper discusses a learning issue of diverging online communications when more convergent, targeted, artefact-specific discussions are required. It contributes to whether anchoring annotations to specific components of digital artefacts helps build conversations useful to learning. While aligning interaction to artefact has been previously noted for its benefits, here it presents in the context of a tool to help achieve this – a new media annotation tool, 'MAT'. Learner analysis, peer discussion and teacher feedback are promoted within this tool, together anchored to an artefact of learning focus in carefully designed cycles of learning. The paper discusses various educational design features of MAT that enable learning by online artefact-centred discussion, including learner use of these features. It draws from a recent case study on video annotation for critical reflection and evaluation of physical education teaching practice. MAT has been evaluated in this context, but requires wider integration and evaluation to determine usefulness for promotion in a range of other academic practices.


