A model for achieving equivalence and comparability in higher education courses offered transnationally by RMIT’s College of Business
transnational education quality, equivalence, comparability, offshore deliveryAbstract
This paper describes the work-in-progress of an action research pilot project conducted within the College of Business at RMIT University. The project has clarified the concepts of equivalence and comparability as applied to the College?s transnational course offerings. A framework and associated process for achieving equivalence and comparability is in the final stages of development and will be trialled in one course offered at RMIT Melbourne, RMIT Vietnam and the Singapore Institute of Management. To enhance clarity, the notion of comparability has itself been divided into two additional concepts: contextualisation and customisation. The framework provides an understanding of equivalence and comparability, the factors (elements) to be considered for each, and a broad process for working towards their achievement within individual courses. Consistent with the action research methodology, the guiding principles, framework and implementation process require review and validation by stakeholders within the College of Business, and externally by the wider transnational education community.
Copyright (c) 2025 Sathiyavani Gopal, Tom Palaskas, Joan Richardson, Ross Smith
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.