The Holodeck model, learning environments, and resilience in higher education

A multidisciplinary approach


  • Beata Webb Bond University
  • Gaelle Brotto Bond University
  • Mark Dinnen
  • Brett Voss



learning environment, tertiary education, multidisciplinary, online asynchronous framework, the Holodeck Model


This paper proposes a flexible framework for developing asynchronous online learning environments for multidisciplinary contexts at an Australian university. The project addresses the need to build organisational resilience following the fragility demonstrated by educational institutions during the emergency transition to online learning in 2020. The paper examines the challenges experienced by staff and students, the future implications and the potential of the Holodeck model of a learning environment in circumventing these barriers. The analysis of the strategies implemented through various educational technologies in criminology, teacher education, international relations and research methodology, demonstrated its applicability in diverse academic fields. The paper promotes the capacity of the Holodeck-based framework to provide systematic support structures for university online and on-campus programs, and, consequently, to develop institutional resilience in multidisciplinary university contexts. The paper also outlines the next phase of the project, focusing on a student perspective of the use of the Holodeck model.


