Learning Design Research in Action
Learning Design Research, Learning Design Framework, Connectivism, design thinking, design practice, generic templates, learning outcomesAbstract
The new field of Learning Design is gaining traction in higher education, aiming to address a number of challenges in technology enhanced learning and teaching. This symposium seeks to build on the national Learning Design Research strengths and help highlight Australian Learning Design theory and practice expertise. It also aims to further consolidate the Australian and international Learning Design community. The content of this submission directly addresses the following topics: An introduction of the Learning Design Framework, Generic Templates, Teacher Design Thinking in Higher Education, Connecting Connectivism and Learning Design, and Translating Learning Outcomes into Learning Designs. The symposium will be divided into five topic-based presentations. The topic discussions will be led by members of the Australian Learning Design network. Discussion will be open and audience interaction will be encouraged.
Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Dobozy, Leanne Cameron, Shirley Agostinho, Chris Campbell, Panos Vlachopoulos
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.