Beyond Pokémon Go

Mobile AR & VR in Education


  • Thomas Cochrane
  • Sarah Jones
  • Matthew Kearney
  • Helen Farley
  • Vickel Narayan



Mobile Learning, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Authentic and contextual learning


The new wave of mobile VR and AR are anticipated to become a multi-billion dollar industries in the near future (F. Cook, 2016) ???? how will this impact higher education? This Symposium will gather the collective experience and expertise of members of the newly established Ascilite Mobile Learning Special Interest Group (Ascilitemlsig) to explore and discuss the potential and issues surrounding the rapidly developing fields of mobile Augmented Reality and mobile Virtual Reality. The SIG seeks to draw develop an international community of mobile learning researchers in the context of mobile VR and AR. Building upon the global popularity of the Pokémon Go app, Google Cardboard, and the Samsung Gear VR, there is now widespread interest in these technologies, but still little expertise in integrating these within authentic educational experiences beyond another form of interactive content delivery. Members of the Ascilitemlsig will discuss the potential of mobile AR and VR for user generated content and contexts, share their recent practice-based research, and invite interaction from the wider Ascilite conference attendees.






ASCILITE Conference - Symposia / Panels