The Next Wave of Learning with Humanoid Robot

Learning Innovation Design starts with “Hello NAO”


  • Xin Ni Chua
  • Esyin Chew



learning enhancement, NAO robot in education, IT education innovation


Today, humanoid robotics research is a growing field and humanoid robots are now increasingly being used in the area such as education, hospitality and healthcare. They are expected to serve as humans’ daily companion and personal assistant in including in education. On the other hand, students may complain that the classroom today is boring and not engaging. Students are using mobile devices extensively but the traditional lectures remain PowerPoints. Is there an educational synergy for integrating a humanoid robot in daily teaching? Responding to the needs, the paper reports a work-in progress pilot study that designs the learning innovation with humanoid robot, NAO. Initial experiences are reported. Rule-based reasoning and progress test design are developed and recommended. The educational program is developed based on the design and pilot tested at the learning and teaching at Monash University Malaysia. Future work and recommendation are discussed in innovative technology engaging learning.


