Conditions for successful technology enabled learning


  • Michael Henderson
  • Glenn Finger
  • Kevin Larkin
  • Vicky Smart
  • Rachel Aston
  • Shu-Hua Chao



Technology enabled learning


This paper reports on the findings of a 16 month project funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The project utilized an iterative mixed method design to investigate (a) what digital technologies are used and valued by students and educators for learning, and (b) the different factors within the ‘ecology’ of the university that contribute to these successful uses of digital technology. In total 2838 students and staff across two Australian universities and a further 114 leaders from all 39 Australian universities participated in the project. Through large scale surveys and in depth case studies thirteen ‘conditions for success’ were identified that appeared to stimulate, support, and/or sustain specific success stories. These conditions relate to different aspects of the ‘ecology’ of higher education – from individual skills and attitudes through to institutional policymaking. This paper describes the conditions for success, and concludes with challenges to the higher education sector.


