The Conceived, the Perceived and the Lived

Issues with 21st Century Learning and Teaching


  • Karin Barac



Course Design, Student Expectations, Blended Learning, Higher Education


A bespoke course design framework was implemented in an Australian university to help academics convert face-to-face courses to blended or online offerings in response to increasing demand for universities to offer 21st century learning environments. While the design framework was grounded in evidence-based approaches that exemplify quality delivery, these course designs have had variable reactions from students in their implementation. As such, a student dimension to the evaluation of the framework was added and the findings from the initial pilot are reported here. It has been found that students may not be as ready for 21st century learning and teaching practices as current rhetoric implies. This paper begins to formulate a theory to help resolve this through an exploration of ideas through the lens of Lefebvre’s production of space (1991).


