Enhancing Workplace Learning through Mobile Technology

Designing the GPS for WPL


  • Franziska Trede
  • Lina Markauskaite
  • Peter Goodyear
  • Susie Macfarlane
  • Freny Tayebjee
  • Celina McEwen




Mobile learning, Mobile resource, workplace learning


Technology-mediated learning (TML) and workplace learning (WPL) are major priorities for universities. TML is core to the dynamic growth and modernization of university education, and WPL is an essential strategy used by universities to prepare students for future work. In Australia, both are rapidly changing practices, providing new possibilities and challenges. Though these two areas have largely remained separate in educational literature and practice, the integration of TML and WPL can provide important opportunities to bridge university and the workplace as well as build students' digital capacities and online professional identities. This poster presents a mobile resource for named the "GPS for WPL", aimed at helping students, academics and workplace educators to improve professional learning experiences by making better use of mobile technology. This resource was designed as part of a project funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching, entitled "Enhancing Workplace Learning through Mobile Technology"


