About the Journal

ASCILITE Publications (ISSN 2653-665X) provides a peer-reviewed fully open access publication platform for traditional and non-traditional publications in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Australasia and abroad. It aims to provide a scholarly distribution and publication pathway for these alternative forms of best practice and thought to traditional journal articles - increasing the reach and impact of TEL to international contributions and an audience beyond the academy. ASCILITE Publications encourages contributions and involvement from early-career academics (including RHD candidates), teaching practitioners and professional staff.


Current Issue

2015: ASCILITE 2015 Conference Proceedings: Globally connected, digitally enabled
					View 2015: ASCILITE 2015 Conference Proceedings: Globally connected, digitally enabled





The proceedings of the 2015 ASCILITE Conference: Globally connected, digitally enabled

T. Reiners, B.R. von Konsky, D. Gibson, V. Chang, L. Irving, & K. Clarke (Eds.)

Globally connected, digitally enabled. Proceedings ASCILITE 2015 Perth

Curtin University, Perth, Australia

November 29 - December 2, 2015

ASCILITE2015 Conference Website https://2015conference.ascilite.org/

Published: 2015-11-27

ASCILITE Conference - Full Papers

ASCILITE Conference - Concise Papers

ASCILITE Conference - Posters

ASCILITE Conference - Discussion Papers

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